This extension provides Framer X & React code snippets for TypeScript and ES6. InstallationIn the command palette (cmd-shift-p), select Install Extension and type Framer X Code Snippets for VS Code. Supported languages (file extensions)
The ⇥ means the TAB → key. Framer X Templates
Framer X Property Controls
React Hooks
Snippet listFramer X Snippets:
Framer X Property Controls:
React Custom Hooks
Utility Functions
Tips & TricksTo get the most of this extension I recommend also to install:
CreditsNew React Hooks snippets contains code samples from the following projects: New snippet prefixes inspired by Aroa Gil Bo, Framer X Property Control Template & Snippets Feedback & ContributionsAny type of feedback will be extremely useful. I encourage you to write a review. Have you found something wrong/missing or you just want to bring an idea? Please open a new issue and tell me more about it! Created at 2021-01-20 08:39
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